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About Us

Dedicated to making Canada the safest country in the world to live, learn, work and play.

Safe Communities Canada is a national charitable organization dedicated to helping communities across the country build the capacity and resources they will need as they commit to mounting coordinated, collaborative programmes designed to reduce the pain and cost of injury and promote a culture of safety for all their citizens.


Safe Communities Canada designates communities in Canada which have demonstrated that they have developed the capacity to address their injury challenges in a thoughtful and strategic fashion. Safe Communities Canada offers members of its network of designated Safe Communities ongoing support and development opportunities as they strive to increase their reach, their capacity and their effectiveness as agents of change in their communities.

Since it was founded in 1996, Safe Communities Canada has designated 60 communities as Canadian Safe Communities and its network of designated safe communities demonstrates a vibrant and passionate testament to community capacity and caring.

Since its inception, Safe Communities Canada has been an Affiliate Support Centre for the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre for Community Safety Promotion, and has played a leading role in developing the Safe Communities movement both nationally and internationally.


Safe Communities Canada has also been accredited as an International Safe Community Certifying Centre by The World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center for Community Safety Promotion. This means that we can not only provide a Canadian Safe Communities Designation, we can also provide an International Safe Communities Designation for those communities that have made a lasting and measurable commitment both to address their injury challenges and to create and promote a culture of safety for all their citizens. The Designation Continuum is a chart that outlines the distinction between the Canadian and the International designations.

Safe Communities Canada believes that a safe life is a basic right for each and every citizen, and works to develop community capacity to make this clear and profound aspiration a reality for citizens of Canada and the world.