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Course Catalogue

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Aboriginal Cultural Awareness

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness is designed to introduce participants to the concept of cultural awareness and to provide non-Aboriginal participants with a greater understanding of the issues and challenges facing Aboriginal people in Canada. The course introduces the groups that make up Canada’s Aboriginal population, examine Canadian history from an Aboriginal perspective and explore the ways in which historical injustices have impacted on Aboriginal culture.

$ 49.95

WHMIS 1988

WHMIS is a hazard communication system designed to ensure workers using hazardous materials, also known as controlled products, have all the necessary information to safely handle, store and dispose of these materials.

$ 29.95

Workplace Hazards: Identification, Assessment and Control

$ 29.95

The Respectful Workplace

The Respectful Workplace is designed to educate participants about their rights and responsibilities in the workplace. The course identifies attitudes and behaviours which contribute to a respectful workplace as well as those that are inappropriate. Specific types of offensive behaviours, including discrimination, harassment and personal harassment (bullying) are defined and examined. Emphasis is on developing appropriate workplace behaviours and knowing how to respond to incidents involving inappropriate behaviours.

The course includes scenario-based, interactive activities, which provide participants with practical situations in which they must select appropriate behaviours and appropriate responses to the behaviours of others.

Exact training content can be customized to meet client needs. An additional module entitled “Our Anti-Harassment Policy” can be added to ensure that participants thoroughly understand an organization’s specific policy and procedures.

$ 29.95

WHMIS Refresher

WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) Refresher is a hazard communication system designed to ensure workers using hazardous materials, also known as controlled products, have all the necessary information to safely handle, store and dispose of these materials. This course is intended for individuals who have a solid understanding of the subject matter contained in this course.

$ 15.00

Incident Investigation

This course is designed for workplaces that must adhere to provincial/territorial occupational health and safety (OHS) laws and regulations. Although the general OHS rights and responsibilities of employers and workers are the same in each jurisdiction, the OHS legislation of each province and territory is unique.

$ 29.95

The Respectful Workplace (for Ontario Workplaces)

The Respectful Workplace (for Ontario Workers) introduces the concept of a respectful workplace and describes both appropriate and inappropriate workplace attitudes and behaviours. The course explains how Ontario’s recently amended Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) addresses the issue of workplace violence, identifies behaviours that meet the OHSA definitions of workplace violence and workplace harassment and describes how to respond appropriately to situations involving violence or harassment.

$ 29.95

Developing Workplace Violence & Harassment Policies (Ontario)

The Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario has been amended to address the issue of workplace violence. Developing Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies and Programs for Ontario Workplaces educates participants about workplace violence and harassment, prevention and intervention strategies, and the legal requirements for creating and implementing appropriate policies and programs.

$ 34.95

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

In the TDG course you will learn - Introduction to TDG, its regulations and proper training, proper documentation, safety marks and means of containment, forbidden goods, exemptions and special provisions as well as, immediate reporting and procedures to follow in the event of an emergency.A printable certificate available upon completion.

Also Please Note: Although this is a nationally recognized course, if you are currently unemployed and seeking employment it is up to your new employer to accept any prior training. They may still require you to re-train once hired.

$ 34.95

Fire Safety

No one expects a fire, emergency or other disaster to occur in their workplace. It is important to remember that these misfortunes can strike anyone, anytime, and in any workplace. Fires in the workplace cause extensive injury and property loss. If a fire started in your home or workplace would you know what to do?

$ 19.95

Asthma Aware

Among Canadian children between the ages of four and 11 years, 15.6% have been diagnosed with asthma by a physician. This means that there are children with asthma in most classrooms and on most sports teams. The purpose of Asthma Aware is to ensure that the caregivers of children/athletes (i.e. coaches, teachers, community group leaders, etc) have the ‘need to know’ asthma knowledge and are able to make appropriate, effective first aid choices in situations involving asthma flare-ups. Course participants will be able to: •Define asthma. •Identify children/athletes in their care with asthma. •Identify the signs and symptoms of an asthma flare-up. •Describe what a severe asthma attack looks like. •Explain changes in the airway from an asthma flare-up. •Identify asthma triggers. •Demonstrate the proper use of asthma medication devices. •Provide treatment to a child/athlete having an asthma flare-up. •Decide when to seek medical attention or call 911.

$ 29.95

Lockout / Tagout

The term "Lockout/Tagout" refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguard workers from the unexpected energizing or start-up of machinery and equipment, or the release of hazardous energy during service or maintenance activities. Lockout/Tagout explains the importance of Lockout/Tagout in protecting the health and safety of workers. The course examines basic workplace safety tenets and examines the specific stages and procedures of the Lockout/Tagout process.

$ 19.95

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness is a single-module course which explains the importance of PPE as a means of protecting workers from workplace hazards and describes specific types of PPE which may be used in the workplace.

$ 24.95

Due Diligence for Supervisors

Due Diligence for Supervisors explains the philosophy of the Internal Responsibility System and the principle of due diligence, and examines the measures that must be taken to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety legislation.

$ 24.95